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Eagle Rock Concrete is committed to protecting the environment through sensible and responsible operating practices. We believe that economic growth and the well-being of society are inextricably tied to the health of the environment. Accordingly, we embrace our responsibility for environmental stewardship, and we are committed to leading environmental practices and sustainability principles into our core business strategy.

Our Vision:

To be recognized as one of the leading enterprises in our industry on sustainability and environmental stewardship.

In order to accomplish our vision, Eagle Rock Concrete will continue to:

  • Comply with all local, state and federal regulations and legislation.
  • Continuously improve our environmental performance by reviewing and monitoring the effectiveness of our programs and actions.
  • Take practical measures to protect the biodiversity and natural surroundings at our facilities.
  • Promote environmentally responsible attitudes and behaviors in all our associates, and encourage suppliers, customers and other business partners to do the same.
  • Contribute to the well-being of our local communities by communicating openly and sincerely with them in order to pursue good neighbor relations.
  • Minimize waste by actively putting in place waste reduction methods of operations.
  • Perform scheduled maintenance on all equipment.
  • Perform daily visual inspections of emissions.

We strongly believe that our efforts to support a healthy environment to serve the interests of both our current and future generations and constitute the foundation for enduring success.


LEED  — Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system is the most widely adopted green-building design and construction-evaluation program in the US.

LEED is a voluntary rating system that is intended to guide building owners/developers toward constructing buildings that minimize their environmental impact. LEED certification can be achieved at a certified, silver, gold or platinum level based on how many of the 110 LEED credits are awarded after a project meets eight LEED prerequisites. The LEED 2009 NC Rating System divides these credits and prerequisites into seven credit categories:

  • Sustainable sites
  • Water efficiency
  • Energy & atmosphere
  • Materials & resources
  • Indoor environmental quality
  • Innovation in design
  • Regional priority

The National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA) has published a comprehensive LEED Reference Guide (link to PDF) that explains how ready-mixed concrete can help design and construction professionals maximize LEED credits. The Portland Cement Association has also published a brief overview of LEED points on its website ( (link).

Eagle Rock Concrete has developed a number of environmentally conscious products that can help owners, developers, designers and construction companies earn LEED points, including:

  • Pervious concrete
  • Flowable fill
  • Recycled concrete for base and some mix designs
  • Mix designs for concrete paving
  • Mix designs for Insulating Concrete Forms (ICFs)

Contact Eagle Rock Concrete’s Certified Environmental Expert to discuss ways that Eagle Rock Concrete can help you gain LEED points on your project.



  • Concrete is 100% recyclable.
  • Concrete has excellent thermal mass properties, reducing the need for artificial heating and cooling systems.
  • Concrete is extremely robust and secure.
  • Concrete is not susceptible to damage from flooding.
  • Concrete is versatile, providing a longer design life for the buildings it is used in.
  • Concrete requires very little long-term maintenance.
  • Concrete will not burn.
  • Concrete has excellent acoustic properties.

Sustainable development is an attempt to balance the construction needs of an increasing population with the Earth’s capacity to meet them – to build in a way that will not deplete the Earth’s limited resources. Concrete’s durability, versatility and energy performance make it a responsible choice for sustainable development.

Concrete’s durability is a significant sustainable attribute. Since it will not rust, rot or burn, it requires less energy and resources over time to repair or replace. Structures built with concrete have optimal energy performance for heating and cooling. Additionally, concrete is easy to use and form, produces little waste and can be efficiently recycled.

Eagle Rock Concrete is dedicated to sustainable construction. We have the products and expertise to help you and your business build in an environmentally friendly manner. For more information on concrete and its environmental impact, please contact our NRMCA Certified Environmental Expert.


  • Controlling Dust

Eagle Rock Concrete employs central dust collector systems on all batch plants to minimize dust that may be generated during operations. These devices are designed to capture 99.9% of dust particles that may be generated during operations.

  • Reusing Process Water
    • Eagle Rock Concrete is committed to finding practical and sustainable ways to reuse process water. Eagle Rock Concrete plants are designed with closed-loop water systems, so that no process water is discharged from our sites. This system allows Eagle Rock Concrete to reuse the water contained on our site for numerous uses including:
    • Recycled water to moisten aggregates.
    • Recycled water to rinse trucks after loading.
    • Recycled water used to clean out the interior of our mixer drums.
    • Recycled water for mixing water in our concrete mixes.
  • Sustainable Sites
    • Eagle Rock Concrete is designing environmentally sound sites with the use of concrete paved-process zones and closed-loop washout pit systems to prevent process water runoff and to recycle our greatest natural resource: water.
    • Stormwater is managed by Best Management Practices (BMP) utilizing storm-water retention basins.
    • Unused portions of plant sites are left natural or improved by planting trees and plants to improve storm-water filtration and site aesthetics.
    • Limited material is wasted during our construction.
  • Environmental Management System
    • Eagle Rock Concrete has developed a company-wide Environmental Management System (EMS) to apply and document the environmental best practices at each location. Once implemented and a complete cycle has elapsed, Eagle Rock Concrete will begin to certify all ready-mix plants under the NRMCA “Green-Star” program of environmental excellence.
  • Recycling
    • Eagle Rock Concrete utilizes a number of third-party recycling centers that accept used and returned concrete for processing and reselling as a base material, keeping tons of material out of landfills. Eagle Rock Concrete is also investigating the use of recycled concrete to replace virgin material in its ready-mixed concrete.
    • Returned concrete is used to create concrete blocks for landscaping, retaining walls, etc.
  • Product Designs
    • Fly Ash – Eagle Rock Concrete keeps fly ash, a by-product of coal combustion, out of our landfills by integrating it into our concrete mixes.
  • Regulatory Compliance
    • Eagle Rock Concrete complies with all current local, state and federal environmental laws, rules and regulations, as well as sets internal standards and requirements as appropriate.
  • Energy Conservation
    • Eagle Rock Concrete is undertaking an extensive energy audit of its facilities to identify ways to conserve resources and cut costs. Our dispatch and drivers find the shortest routes to conserve fuel and hours on the road.
  • Trucks
      • ERC trucks and dispatch offices are equipped with state-of-the-art GPS tracking for efficient, effective delivery of the product.
      • ERC utilizes current Federal Bridge Formula trucks to haul maximum, legal payloads on state and federal highways, thereby reducing fuel used in follow-up partial load deliveries.
      • ERC concrete mixers are 2012 US EPA emission-compliant, state-of-the-art units using Mack® brand equipment to meet all federal emission regulations.
      • ERC uses the highest grade of synthetic lubricants, allowing extended oil drain intervals reducing the amount of waste oil generated as part of its ongoing operations.
  • Use of Local Materials
      • By utilizing vendors in close proximity to our facilities, ERC can reduce the travel distance needed to obtain products used in the manufacture of and the support of ready-mix concrete, thereby reducing greenhouse-gas emissions and further minimizing our carbon footprint.
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